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I want to be a...Nobody.

Writer's picture: Kaitlyn MarieKaitlyn Marie

I have been reading through Matthew again lately, because I love reading about how Jesus walked/lived on this earth. It's so inspiring. I read today about Jesus' first disciples, Simon (A.K.A. Peter), Andrew, James, and John. It hit me in a whole new way. Here is their story:

While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.  And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.  And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them.  Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

This is what my bible looked like after rereading this passage, sooo sit tight because we got a lot to cover.😁

Ok, first off think about that! These 4 men dropped everything, their whole lives to follow Jesus! I mean wow!

Picture this, this was in the first century. There was no Facetime, texting, emails, social media, or even really a good way to send letters.

I'll just give you a second to let the shock die down! No texting...GASP.

So by following Jesus, they were leaving their families, and knew that it was a very small chance that they would hear from them or see them again.

They were that willing to follow Jesus! I don't know about you, but I want to be remembered that way! The girl willing to do whatever it took to follow Jesus!

The other point I wanted to make about this story, is what really blew my mind this morning!

One of my new favorite songs right now is, "Nobody" by Casting Crowns ft. Matthew West.

In it, it talks about Jesus' disciples. Here is what it says:

You picked twelve outsiders nobody would've chosen And You changed the world Well, the moral of the story is Everybody's got a purpose So when I hear that devil start talking to me, saying "Who do you think you are?" I say

I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody All about Somebody who saved my soul Ever since You rescued me, You gave my heart a song to sing I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus

Jesus picked 12 outsiders, a bunch of nobodies. And that group of outsiders changed the world forever! Jesus doesn't look at us like the world does. The world tells us that we have to fit their mold, we have to reach the top of the social status, and we have to be a somebody.

But y'all I want to just be a nobody showing everyone about Jesus. I don't care about if they'll remember my name. I just want to be a light for him. I want to show Jesus' love and greatness to everyone I come in contact with.

Sometimes we tell ourselves that, we are a bunch of nobodies so we can never really make a big impact. But y'all don't ever let that stop you. Don't start filling your mind with stuff like, "I don't have that many friends; I am too quiet/shy;I'm not someone that stands out; I'm not good enough." Y'all that is Satan talking because he knows that you can make a difference so he tries to fill your head with those kind of thoughts. One of my favorite sayings is this one, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. He will give you exactly what you need to fulfill what amazing things He has in store for you! I truly Believe it!

Jesus also picking a bunch of outsiders, which is soo encouraging to me! It shows me that God doesn't care how big I make a name for myself. He just cares about my heart that I'm willing to be courageous for him! Jesus' disciples is just another way of God reminding me that he truly does love me.

It doesn't matter what the world says about you or me, He loves us NO MATTER WHAT!

So instead of striving to be a somebody, why don't we strive to be a nobody.

A nobody trying to show everybody about somebody who saved our souls.

Who makes our lives soo much brighter and better.

So that is why I want to be a big fat NOBODY.

I hope y'all have a fantastic day!

P.S.Continue Being Perfectly Imperfect🌸

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