touchy topic...way to go Kaitlyn.
To be 100% real with y'all, I have been pushing off this topic, because it is such a touchy topic. But it came back and literally hit me in the face to write about it. It was when I went Homecoming dress shopping!
The Homecoming Dance I'm going to has a dress code. And all the dress codes are absolutely reasonable! But it took me FOREVER to find at least 4 dresses, that were colors that didn't wash my skin tone out, to try on! I was shocked! Girls, when did modesty go out of style?
Ahh, modesty the topic most of us get in arguments with our parents over.
There has been times that I would get clothes(hand-me-downs) and there would be some Nike shorts in the bunch. I don't know about you, but I love some comfy shorts! But when I would put them on, wow, you could see my other shorts tan lines! So they would go in the "only sleepwear'' pile.
I don't know about y'all but I want what I wear to be a sign of who I am. And i want to show guys that I hold myself in the most high self-esteem. Because girls, if you dress in more revealing clothes to get a guys attention, you are gonna get the attention of the WRONG guys! The right guy will like you, without having to see ALL of you! You get my meaning?
Philippians 4:8~ "Finally, "sisters'', whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
I don't know about y'all, but that sounds a lot like modesty! Do me a favor and read it again, but put modesty in place of whatever.
If you don't want to use that much brain power then here ya go: ;)
"Finally, "sisters'', Modesty is true, Modesty is honorable, Modesty is just, Modesty is pure, Modesty is lovely, Modesty is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about Modesty."
> Ok, is it just me, but when I read "Finally, sisters; I visualize the Sanderson Sister Witches, from the amazing movie Hocus Pocus.
No? Just me? Well then, moving on!
I love how it says "worthy of praise'' I don't want to just be wearing ''You look nice" outfit; I want a "worthy of praise'' outfit!
We want to seek God's approval in EVERYTHING, even our clothing!
If you are a Harry Potter fan, like me 😉, then you know Emma Stone! One of my favorite quotes by her is,
”The less you reveal, the more they have to wonder.”
So let's be different! Let's stand out! Let's put Modesty back in Style!
Are you with me!?!?!
Because remember, your clothing shines on who you are on the inside. And wearing more revealing clothes to get attention, gets you the WRONG attention!
P.S. Continue Being Perfectly Imperfect!