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# No Filter

Writer's picture: Kaitlyn MarieKaitlyn Marie

Hey sweet friends!! I hope your week has been going fabulous!! My week has been full of catching up on schoolwork....yay fun! Haha

Alright, I want you to visualize us up sitting in my room, laughing at something hilarious I just said (aren‘t I humble), and now you are telling me how your week has been! I’m listening very intently.

Now that you have told me how your life is going, we can get down to business!

I read something the other day about a teen girl who looks at the world outside and says to herself, “Wow! Look at how amazing our God is! His creations are so beautiful!!”, but then she goes and looks in the mirror in disgust.

Girls!! Wake up!!! The same God that created this beautiful sunset, created you as well!!

I know living in this culture that we live in, does not help build our confidence. Trust me!!

I’m gonna be honest, I used to envy those girls who were smaller than me, and could wear clothes that I could only dream of fitting in. Since I come from a long line of chicken frying southern women, I got curves and do not wear a size zero.

Then we see those pictures of girls with the flawless faces on social media with the # nofilter. And we wonder why can’t we look like that.

You may not have went through this, and if you haven’t....GOOD FOR YOU!! I‘M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR BEING COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN!!

I so wish I had your confidence, but I didn’t. And it left me broken, and spending countless dreary times looking at the mirror wondering why I couldn’t be prettier.

But I’m made in God‘s image!! He took so much time and concentration making me! Designing me! Contemplating over ever single quirk that makes me Kaitlyn Marie.

He made this little half dimple in my left cheek, that I get when I grin just a certain way.

He made my eyes this specific color of light green.

He made my smile the size of Texas.

And of course he had to finish it off with this super crazy loud laugh I have!!

But he didn’t just do that with me!! He took that much time and care when he made you as well!!

So I encourage to have the same reaction to an amazing sunset (God’s creation) as you do when you look at your self in the mirror (God‘s most prized creation)!!!!!

So do me a favor and write down three amazing quirks that God gave you to make you special, one of a kind, and soo sooo beautiful my friend.

Because no matter what.....there’s only one you!!

And you wore it best!!

Here are 2 verses that hopefully will help you!!

1.) I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well!! ~Psalms 139:14

2.) You are all together beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you. ~Song of Solomon 4:7

P. S. Continue being PERFECTLY IMPERFECT!!

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