This is one of my absolute favorite Disney movie quotes. I also can't read it without hearing in my head the way Sebastian says it, you know with that Jamaican accent that he has!
If you aren't a Disney nerd, like I am, then I am sorry for this reference, but I feel that it applies so much to this crazy time that we are going through right now.
Your area may be the same as mine...the stores being ransacked, everything closing down except the essential stores and drive-thru's, the governor makes a T.V. appearance basically every day, and you are home 24/7.
So, this blog is basically going to be all about the Coronavirus. But not just about the virus, I am sure you have heard enough about it to last a lifetime! So, this one's going to be sporadic; it's going to talk about: worry and trusting God, how to show others Christ at this time, and some ideas that can kill your boredom!
When COVID-19 first appeared I thought it was nothing. But as it spread and became a bigger deal I started getting worried. I wasn't worried about the virus itself; I was worried about all the damage it was causing, and still is causing.
Who would have thought, just a month ago, that the only way to go to church now is by logging on to it from your computer? Watching your pastor on a device?
Who would have thought, the only way to talk to your friends would be through text and facetime?
Who would have thought, that you can only go to restaurants through drive-thru's, no longer allowed to go sit at a table and have a good conversation with someone?
Who would have thought, toilet paper was the first thing people ran after!?!
If you are like me, then you have so many plans for the near future. I did, big ones, but now they are up in the air. I have no idea if they are going to take place, and I am just confused and worried. I was worried and hurt. I had worked so hard for this, so why is God allowing all of this to just not happen?
My mom had told me this, "You don't want something to happen that is not in God's will. If this doesn't happen, then He has a reason, and you just need to trust that reason." It was hard to listen to her reasoning, I have been working and preparing for this big opportunity for almost a year. AND IT WAS GOING TO HELP ME GROW IN MY FAITH!! So, why was God letting this happen?
One night I was crying and praying. Then I was filled with peace. I then realized that I just needed to rely on Him. I know it sounds a little simple...but it is!! You just need to trust in Him!!
Isaiah 26:3 ~ "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Y'all keep your focus on Him!! It will help your worrying, no matter what the news says right now.
1 Peter 5:7 ~ "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
Did you hear that?!?! If not you need to read it again! He cares about you and all of your worries! No matter how small or big! It seriously could be about your fear of running out of toilet paper, He doesn't care! He already knows all of your fears, He is just happy that you are now verbally telling Him, trusting in Him!
Hebrews 13:8 ~ "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
He is always the same, no matter what is going on, and that is enough to rest on and not to worry, because when the world is constantly changing, but God never changes!
This time is such an amazing time to share Christ with others! There is so much fear going around, and if we are different and resting in what we know about God, it will stand out tremendously! "Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." ~ 1 John 3:18 This says it all, we can talk about God and our faith in him, but it won't register the same as our actions.
But we need to do it in love!
I have heard of some people bashing non-Christians for being scared and not just trusting God at this time. People are scared, and by treating them like they are idiots.
Here is a way of putting it, when I was younger I would have a nightmare and go running to my momma. Now, if I came to her scared and then she treated like I was an idiot for being scared, we wouldn't have gotten far, now would we? But, my mom instead treated me with love and kindness and spoke to me softly and in love. There we go, now we are getting there!
People are scared right now, so if they see us not afraid; they will want to know why!
Ok, when I lived way out in the boondocks, this quarantine was basically my everyday life! Except I had a whole farm to explore, so this is just some of the things that I did inside to entertain myself! 😁
Play cards/ Board games
Find a new hobby, that can be down at your home
DIVE INTO SCRIPTURE MORE!! "through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might find hope." ~ Romans 15:4. This is the perfect time to dive into the word more!! The main excuse I hear about reading the bible is....(And I make myself. Pointing fingers at myself) that they don't have enough time...WELL NOW YOU HAVE PLENTY!
Do research on a topic you want to learn more about!
Organize your things!
Make yourself productive.
Read books!
Write something!
Spend time with your family!
I hope this helps or gives you some ideas on how to kick boredom to the curb! I pray that this time will bring some amazing things your way, and you won't just be a Debby Downer the whole time...Bring some joy to this world! Love y'all! And remember.... YOU ARE PERFECTLY IMPERFECT!